System Booster
System Booster.iso
BExchange 12
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Text File
340 lines
; $VER: Installation de BExchange v1.2 (25.1.1996)
(set UserLevel.old @user-level)
; Initialisation des messages.
(set Language 16)
(set #WrongKickStart "\nBExchange need OS2.04+")
; S'assurer que l'on utilise un KickStart >= à 2.04.
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #WrongKickStart)
(set LangueHelp "Select which language you want the documentation in.")
(set IconHelp "What kind of icons do you want:\n\n- 4 colors: Standards icons\n- 8 colors MagicWB : Standard MagicWB\n- NewIcon : Standard NewIcon")
(set bguiHelp "The bgui.library makes it easier to create a nice GUI.\n\nbgui.library (C) 1993-1995 Jan van den Baard")
(set Refresh "Choose refresh mode of window")
(set Aspect "Choose size of borders:\n\n- AutoAspect: Keep the screen-aspect-ratio\n- Thin: Force thin mode\n- Standard: Like the system")
(set Frame "Choose buttons look")
(set WindowPos "Where windows should open its GUI ?")
(set NewLook "NewLook mode will create a white listview scroller")
(set BufferRP "Allow the use of RastPort buffer, for display the GUI as one block. But under RTG the display will be slower.\n\nUnder RTG set NO")
; Répertoire de destination
; *************************
(set Path.source (pathonly @icon) )
(set Path.dest
(prompt "\nSelect or create a directory to install BExchange in.\n")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Sys:Tools/Commodities")
; Copie de l'executable
; **********************
(prompt "Copy of BExchange")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source Path.source)
(dest Path.dest)
(choices "BExchange" "BExchange.info")
; Copie de la documentation
; *************************
(set Doc (askchoice
(prompt "Documentation of BExchange")
(choices "French" "English" )
(help LangueHelp)
(default 1)
(if (= Doc 0)
(source "BExchange_FR.guide")
(dest Path.dest)
(newname "BExchange.guide")
(if (= Doc 1)
(source "BExchange_ENG.guide")
(dest Path.dest)
(newname "BExchange.guide")
;(if (= Doc 2)
; (copyfiles
; (source "BExchange_D.guide")
; (dest Path.dest)
; (newname "BExchange.guide")
; (infos)
; )
; On copie les icônes
; *******************
(set Icon (askchoice
(prompt "What sort of icons do you want ?")
(choices "4 couleurs" "MagicWB" "NewIcon")
(help IconHelp)
; MagicWB ?
; *********
(if (= Icon 1)
(source "Icons/EXE_MagicWb.info")
(dest Path.dest)
(newname "BExchange.info")
(source "Icons/Guide_MagicWb.info")
(dest Path.dest)
(newname "BExchange.guide.info")
; NewIcon ?
; *********
(if (= Icon 2)
(source "Icons/EXE_NewIcon.info")
(dest Path.dest)
(newname "BExchange.info")
(source "Icons/Guide_NewIcon.info")
(dest Path.dest)
(newname "BExchange.guide.info")
; Copie de la bgui.library
; ************************
(prompt "Copy of the bgui.library")
(source "libs/bgui.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(help bguiHelp)
; Parametrage du programme
; ************************
; On prend le chemin de destination et le nom
(set DestName (tackon Path.dest "BExchange"))
; ***********
; ***********
(set Icon (askchoice
(prompt "What kind of refresh do you want ?")
(choices "SmartRefresh" "SimpleRefresh")
(help Refresh)
(if (= Icon 0)
(settooltype "SIMPLEREFRESH" "NO")
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 1)
(settooltype "SIMPLEREFRESH" "YES" )
(dest DestName)
; **********
; * ASPECT *
; **********
(Set Icon (askchoice
(prompt "What aspect do you want for the GUI ?")
(choices "Automatic (following screen-ratio)" "Thin" "Standard")
(help Aspect)
(if (= Icon 0)
(settooltype "ASPECT" "AUTO")
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 1)
(settooltype "ASPECT" "THIN")
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 2)
(settooltype "ASPECT" "STANDARD")
(dest DestName)
; *********
; * FRAME *
; *********
(Set Icon (askchoice
(prompt "What kind of frame do you want ?")
(choices "Standard" "XEN")
(help Frame)
(if (= Icon 0)
(settooltype "FRAME" "STANDARD")
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 1)
(settooltype "FRAME" "XEN")
(dest DestName)
; *******************
; *******************
(Set Icon (askchoice
(prompt "Do you want the NewLook mode for Listview scroller ?")
(choices "Yes" "No")
(default 1)
(help NewLook)
(if (= Icon 0)
(settooltype "NEWLOOKSCROLLER" "YES")
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 1)
(settooltype "NEWLOOKSCROLLER" "NO")
(dest DestName)
; ******************
; ******************
(Set Icon (askchoice
(prompt "Where do you want the program open its GUI ?")
(choices "Center of screen" "On the mouse" "On the top-left")
(help WindowPos)
(if (= Icon 0)
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 1)
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 2)
(dest DestName)
; **************
; * NoBufferRP *
; **************
(Set Icon (askchoice
(prompt "Use option BufferRP ?")
(choices "Yes" "No")
(default 1)
(help BufferRP)
(if (= Icon 0)
(settooltype "NOBUFFERRP" "NO")
(dest DestName)
(if (= Icon 1)
(settooltype "NOBUFFERRP" "YES")
(dest DestName)
(message "\nPlease read documentation for other options")
(set @default-dest Path.dest )